Micrometro Whipple, 21 mm para ocular de campo amplio Hausser Scientific HS-5060
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Este disco se adhiere al ocular de campo amplio, tiene lineas inscritas de manera indeleble, colocar sobre el diafragma del objetivo.
Este disco se debe calibrar con una lámina micrómetro para establecer el intervalo de graduación, para cada combinación de largo de tubo y ampliación de objetivo.
- Diseño aprovado por Melville C. Whipple, Harvard University, Engineering School, Department of Sanitary Chemistry
- Diámetro 21 mm
Usado en análisis de agua, contaminación por plomo en sangre, conteo de bacteria, placton, polvo,
See American Public Health Association, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, Method 1002E. Large square divided into 100 small squares, one of which is further subdivided into 25 smaller squares with vertical and horizontal lines extending full width of large square. Can be used in Leica and Reichert-Jung Huygenian and Leica wide-field, eyepieces; does not fit Reichert-Jung wide-field eyepieces.
- Glass disc, with linear ruling or grid indelibly inscribed
- Fit over diaphragm in eyepiece
NOTE: unless using precalibrated types under specified conditions, must calibrate discs by means of a stage micrometer to establish value of graduation interval for each combination of eyepiece, tube length, and objective magnification.
Whipple Eyepiece Crossline Disc
- Design approved by Melville C. Whipple, Harvard University, Engineering School, Department of Sanitary Chemistry
- Diameter, 21 mm
Used in water supply testing, in blood test for lead poisoning and in numerous techniques for counting bacteria, plankton, dust, etc.; see American Public Health Association, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, Method 1002E. Large square divided into 100 small squares, one of which is further subdivided into 25 smaller squares with vertical and horizontal lines extending full width of large square. Can be used in Leica and Reichert-Jung Huygenian and Leica wide-field, eyepieces; does not fit Reichert-Jung wide-field eyepieces.